facebook    Welcome to our NBSRT-SJ Website


We hosted the 2024 Provincial AGM.

and received a

Proclamation from the city.








Look under:

 Photos on our menu bar for pictures of our latest activities

March Games 2024

Glass Blowing Demonstration 2024

Scraffito Pottery 2024

Bowling 2024

Christmas Social 2023



 Events  for what is happening such as:



May 23 - NBSRT SJ General Annual Meeting


Sept 3 - TGIF (Thank God I Retired) Brunch



 Newsletters to check out our latest Newsletter

Our February Newsletter includes  information and details about the

Provincial AGM in Saint John

  April Newsletter




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         To learn of the history of the Saint John Branch NBSRT,
click on About Us (located above on the menu bar) and then
click  History.

       Another note of interest is the Brief History of the NBSRT website.  Saint john was involved from the very beginning. Click Website history




Looking for books to read.  Here is an updated list from our members.

Click on the books below..
