MAY 2021
Article 1: Name
The name of the Branch is the New Brunswick Society of Retired Teachers-
Saint John, (NBSRT-SJ)
Article 2: Mission
NBSRT-SJ supports the NBSRT mission to protect, advance and advocate for the well being of retired teachers.
Article 3: Affiliations
NBSRT-SJ is affiliated with the New Brunswick Society of Retired Teachers (NBSRT), the New Brunswick Teachers Association (NBTA), Association Canadienne des Enseignantes et des Enseignants Retraites , the Canadian Association of Retired Teachers (ACER-CART), and the Societe des Enseignantes et des Enseignants Retraites Francophones du Nouveau Brunswick (SERF-NB).
Article 4: Membership
a) Any retired teacher who is receiving a pension from the New Brunswick Teacher’s Pension Plan is eligible for membership.
b) Associate Memberships may be granted by the Branch Executive Officers.
Article 5: Fees
Dues/Fees shall be established by the provincial NBSRT.
Article 6: Governance
a) The decision-making bodies for NBSRT-SJ shall be the Executive Officers, the Executive Committee and members attending the AGM.
Executive Officers: President
Past President
First Vice-President
Second Vice-President
Branch Director
Committees: Card
Membership Data Secretary
Online Media
Reflections Correspondent
Scholarship / Memorial
School Days Museum
b) The Executive Committee shall consist of the Executive Officers and the Committee Chairs. The Executive Committee shall conduct all matters pertaining to the NBSRT-SJ in accordance with the Branch Constitution and By-Laws.
c) The Executive Officers and/or the Executive Committee shall conduct business between general Membership meetings.
d) Additional ad-hoc committees may be established as required.
Article 7: Meetings
a) There shall be a minimum of two meetings of the general membership annually.
1) Fall Meeting
2) Spring Annual General Meeting (AGM)
b) The quorum at the general Membership Meetings shall be members present.
c) The quorum at the Executive Officer Meetings shall be 50% plus 1 of the positions.
d) The quorum at the Executive Committee Meetings shall be 50% plus 1 of the positions.
Article 8: Elections
a) Executive Officers and Committee Chairs shall be elected at the AGM.
b) During Election years, the Past President will 1) call for nominations 2) convene a Nominating Committee and 3) present a list of candidates one month prior to the AGM, and if necessary, conduct elections.
c) The term for an Executive Officer shall be two years. The term for the same Officer in the same position can be renewed for one additional term.
d) After sitting out a term, a person may reoffer for the same position.
e) When vacancies occur, the Executive Committee may make an appointment to the vacant position.
f) The Secretary and Treasurer may serve more than two consecutive terms in their positions if there are no other candidates.
Article 9: Finance
a) The fiscal year will be determined by the Executive Officers.
b) All funds are to be deposited in an accredited Canadian Financial Institution.
Article10: Amendments and By-Laws
a) Amendments to the Constitution must be made at the AGM, by majority vote. Notice of Amendment must accompany the notice of the AGM at least two weeks in advance of the Meeting.
b) By-Laws may be changed as deemed necessary by the Executive Officers, the Executive Committee and ratified at the AGM.
1. Duties of the Executive Officers:
PRESIDENT: The President shall
a) be the Chief Operating Officer (COO) and guide the operations of the Branch;
b) develop a schedule and call meetings for the Executive Officers, Executive Committee and the general Membership;
c) prepare Meeting Agendas and preside over all meetings of the Executive Officers, the Executive Committee and general Membership Meetings;
d) respond to invitations to represent NBSRT-SJ:
e) liaise with other NBSRT Branches, the provincial NBSRT and local and provincial NBTA/NBTF when appropriate.
f) be the ex-officio member of all Committees;
g) prepare and present an annual report to the AGM;
PAST PRESIDENT: The Past President shall
a) report to the Executive Committee and general Membership Meetings as appropriate;
b) act as an advisor to the President;
c) form and chair a Nominating Committee;
d) during Election years, the past President will 1) call for nominations, 2) convene a Nominating Committee and 3) present a list of candidates one month prior to the AGM, and if necessary, conduct elections.
1st VICE-PRESIDENT: The 1st Vice- President shall
a) report to the Executive Committee and general Membership meetings as necessary;
b) perform tasks as required by the President and duties of the President when appropriate;
c) liaise with the NBSRT-SJ and the NBSRT Pension Committee.
2nd VICE-PRESIDENT: The 2ND Vice-President shall
a) report to the Executive Committee and general Membership Meetings as necessary;
b) perform tasks as requested by the President;
c) chair the Constitution Review Committee every 3 years.
d) solicit submissions for Branch and Provincial Honorary Life Membership and Certificates of Appreciation and form an Ad-Hoc Committee to make recommendations to the Executive Committee.
Branch members may submit the name of a member to receive consideration for a Branch Honorary Membership or Certificate of Appreciation.
Honorary Membership is conferred by the Executive Officers to
members who have held one or more Executive positions, served
at least 7 years and made an outstanding contribution to the life
and welfare of the members.
Certificate of Appreciation may be conferred by the Executive Officers
to members who have provided outstanding service to the Branch
over a number of years.
e) liaise with the NBSRT Group Insurance Committee;
f) serve as a Branch Director;
g) assume the duties of the 1st Vice- President when appropriate.
SECRETARY: The Secretary shall
a) record the minutes of all meetings;
b) prepare and distribute the minutes in a timely manner;
c) prepare additional materials as necessary;
d) receive and respond to Branch correspondence;
e) ensure Online Media Committee receives approved minutes;
f) ensure all records are transferred to the incoming Secretary.
TREASURER: The Treasurer shall
a) present a current report to the Executive Committee and general meetings of the Membership;
b) pay all debts by cheque where possible and provide receipts for cash payments;
c) ensure all cheques are signed by two of the Treasurer, President,1st Vice-President, 2ndVice-President or Secretary;
d) prepare and present a finalized Budget to the Executive Committee and the AGM;
e) keep all financial records of the NBSRT-SJ;
f) ensure all records are transferred to the incoming Treasurer;
g) collect annual dues from local members and submit to Provincial Treasurer.
h) recommend an auditor to the Executive Committee for approval;
i) provide cash floats for NBSRT-SJ events
j) may approve non-routine expenditures under $500. Expenditures over $500 require Executive Committee approval.
BRANCH DIRECTOR: The Branch Director shall
a) attend Provincial Director Meetings, Provincial AGM and provide a report to those Meetings and general Membership Meetings;
b) attend and submit a report to the Executive Committee and Membership Meetings;
c) provide a written report to the AGM.
General Duties: Each Committee Chair in addition to responsibilities specific to their committee or role will
a) Meet with the incoming Chair to pass on equipment and information regarding the operation of the committee;
b) attend and report to Executive Committee Meetings and other meetings when on the agenda and /or at the request of the President;
c) prepare and present a written annual report to the AGM and speak to it when necessary;
d) provide, when appropriate, information for the Fall Meeting, Newsletter and online media;
e) schedule meetings as required and advise the President of the meetings.
Card: The Card Committee will
a) send cards to members who are ill, have experienced loss or for other special occasions;
b) remind members to advise the Committee Chair when cards are appropriate.
Membership Recruitment Committee: The Membership Committee will
a) develop initiatives and strategies to encourage and inform active and retired teachers of the benefits of being a member;
b) develop plans each year to welcome and inform retiring teachers of the NBSRT;
c) liaise with Provincial Membership Committee
d) support active teachers when appropriate.
Membership Data Secretary: The Membership Data Secretary will
a) liaise with Membership Committee;
b) receive information from the Provincial Membership Secretary regarding changes to Branch membership list and inform Provincial Membership Secretary and REFLECTIONS Circulation Manager of changes as appropriate ;
c) maintain a current list of member’s names, addresses, phone numbers, emails and year retired ;
d) maintain a separate email address file for Newsletters and special notices to members ;
e) print return labels and address labels for Newsletter and assist locating members whose Newsletter were returned ;
f) provide information to Telephone Committee and ensures that Cards Committee and REFLECTIONS Correspondent are aware of Member deaths.
Newsletter: The Newsletter Committee will
coordinate, edit, prepare and distribute the Branch Newsletter.
Online Media Committee: The Online Media Committee will
a) maintain current information;
b) develop strategies for use, monitoring and content over multiple formats;
c) encourage the use of online media;
d) review Branch online media content yearly;
e) liaise with Provincial Online Media Committee;
f) maintains an accurate account of all NBSRT-SJ media devices with serial numbers and who has each device. This should be part of the Committee’s Annual Report.
Reflections Correspondent: The Reflections Correspondent will
solicit and prepare materials which reflect the activities of the Branch and submit materials to REFLECTIONS by deadlines.
Scholarship/Memorial: Scholarship/Memorial Committee will
a) promote the NBSRT-SJ Scholarship Fund;
b) maintain a supply of memorial, special occasion cards and donation envelopes;
c) liaise with and receive reports from UNBSJ and introduce Scholarship winners to the general membership;
d) liaise with Funeral Homes re: Memorial cards and Scholarship Fund.
School Days Museum: The School Days Committee will
a) promote the School Days Museum and their Scholarship Fund;
b) encourage Branch retired teachers to donate items to the Museum when requested;
c) liaise with the Museum Board of Directors.
Social Committee: The Social Committee will
a) coordinate social events for the Branch, including Fall and Spring Luncheons ;
b) solicit and consider feedback from the attending membership regarding social activities .
Telephone Committee: The Telephone Committee will
coordinate phone calls for the Branch, as directed by the Executive Officers for Pension , Group Insurance , Date change or Cancelations that are not included in the Newsletter
Wellness Committee: The Wellness Committee will
a) organize Branch Wellness activities;
b) solicit ideas for Wellness activities;
c) liaise with the Provincial Wellness Committee.