Stronger At Home

Free, Interactive & Educational Presentation




Please join Camille Coats of “Physio Care at Home” (Seniors 65+)

from 10:30 to 11:30 am at Rivercross (61 Forbes Dr.) on

Monday, Jan. 27th, 2025

Cost:  Free

Register with Ellen Palmer at ellen.marie.palmer@ or

call (506)635-5742.  


Wear comfortable clothing and sneakers


Camille’s presentation centres around staying "Stronger at Home" and touches on some key values when it comes to exercise such as Progress is possible, Consistency is key, Health is Wealth and Movement is medicine.

She speaks about things like bone health, arthritis, falls prevention, the Canadian Activity Guidelines, and usually include a few measures to  test the audience's own strength, balance and endurance that we can do together – she then demos how to turn those into exercises!



Camille graduated from Acadia University in 2012 with a Bachelor of Kinesiology degree,

and from Dalhousie University in 2014 with a Master's of Science in Physiotherapy.